The Bank has the ambition to contribute to greater equality, diversity and inclusion within our organisation itself, through our external engagement and throughout our investment lifecycle. We want to use our role as an investor, employer and procurer to help ensure equal opportunities wherever possible - and we want to encourage others to follow. 

When we talk about equality, we mean creating a fairer society where everyone has equal opportunity. Diversity is recognising, valuing and respecting each other’s differences, and inclusion is about an individual’s experience and creating an environment where everyone feels valued and included. 

Supporting Equal Access to Investment

We are continually challenging ourselves and our internal practices, investing in diverse businesses and supporting and challenging our investee companies, and working with the wider industry. We want to be part of the solution, for the long-term. We are committed to tackling the root causes of under-participation in finance, ultimately leading to a stronger, more diverse and resilient economy.

Pathways Forward

As we are ambitious about the changes we can make, we were particularly interested when Ana Stewart and Mark Logan published Pathways: A New Approach to Women in Entrepreneurship. Head to the link below to read about how we are addressing the recommendations for the Bank that are outlined in the report. 

Women in Finance Charter

We are a proud signatory to the Women in Finance Charter. The Bank is committed to improving diversity in the sector and alongside over 400 firms we commit to targets to improve gender diversity and lead the way for change.

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