Mission Impacts

The investment in ZeroAvia aligns to its net zero mission, which aims to address the climate crisis through growing a fair and sustainable economy. This financing is a critical step in the company’s overall production plans to bring its clean aviation engine technology to market.

About ZeroAvia

ZeroAvia was founded in California before developing a substantial presence in the UK. It has a longstanding partnership with Glasgow and Aberdeen airports (AGS Airports) and signed an agreement earlier this year with ScottishPower to develop low-carbon hydrogen supply for key airport locations. The company is actively exploring potential sites in Scotland.

ZeroAvia has already submitted its 600kW hydrogen-electric engine - ZA600 - for certification with regulators and is working actively towards testing the final design. Simultaneously, the company is developing the building block technologies to support its second engine class - ZA2000 – designed for 40-80 seat regional aircraft. The company is also selling its component technology, including electric motors and fuel cell power generation systems, to other electric aviation innovators. 



“Decarbonising aviation is one of the key environmental challenges we face and it is fundamental to the net zero transition. We are pleased to address it by investing in ZeroAvia, enabling critical research and manufacturing.

“ZeroAvia has a robust long-term plan for the growth of its technology, which will bring tremendous benefits to the wider supply chain and manufacturing sector.”
Robin Tayal
Investment Director, Sustainable Investment at the Scottish National Investment Bank

Key Information

Key Mission
Net Zero

Amount Invested
American Airlines, International Airlines Group (IAG) and ITOCHU Corporation.

Key Quote

Val Miftakhov, Founder and CEO, ZeroAvia said: “We have closed an exceptionally strong financing round to help us deliver the clean future of flight for the entirety of aviation.  As a purpose-driven impact investor, the Bank is an ideal partner for ZeroAvia. Scotland’s ambitious net zero targets, its strategic focus on hydrogen and its strong existing aerospace skills base make it an attractive place for ZeroAvia’s UK production operations as we scale into a major aerospace manufacturer.”

Alignment to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals

All of the investments the Bank makes support the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. This investment supports the goals below:

GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Goal 7

Affordable and Clean Energy

GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 8

Decent Work and Economic Growth

GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Goal 9

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Goal 11

Sustainable Cities and Communities

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